Using the AssemblyScript loader

Working repo

Using the loader to fetch and instantiate our wasm lets us access some useful utility functions but we need to update our WasmLoader class to export them.

// js/loader.js
// WasmLoader::wasm()
const instance = await loader.instantiateStreaming(fetch(path), imports);
return instance;
// WasmLoader::wasmFallback()
const instance = await loader.instantiate(bytes, imports);

The instance methods include our exported wasm functions along with AssemblyScript utilities. We're reading a string from memory so we're going to use __getString().

// index.html
 const { fizzbuzz, __getString } = instance;
const str = __getString(fizzbuzz(3));


Let's check out the source code of __getString

// Take a pointer as only argument
function __getString(ptr) {
// Return null if there's no pointer
if (!ptr) return null;
// Get reference to wasm memory
const buffer = memory.buffer;
// Load wasm memory buffer into a 32 bit unsigned integer array
const id = new Uint32Array(buffer)
// The memory location of the string is at pointer + the runtime header offset
// The location is then zero fill right shifted
[ptr + ID_OFFSET >>> 2];
/** Reads a string from the module's memory by its pointer. */
function __getString(ptr) {
  if (!ptr) return null;
  const buffer = memory.buffer;
  const id = new Uint32Array(buffer)[ptr + ID_OFFSET >>> 2];
  if (id !== STRING_ID) throw Error(`not a string: ${ptr}`);
  return getStringImpl(buffer, ptr);