
Working repo

Just as we can export wasm functions, we can import JS functions into our code. One useful import is the abort() function which we call if we want terminate execution of wasm a function.

Call abort() if the function input is 44.

// assembly/index.ts
export function minusOne(n: i32): i32 {

  if (n == 44) {

  return n - 1;

Compile our wasm

$ npm run asbuild

Loading the browser we see an error: Imports argument must be present and must be an object

This is because abort() isn't currently defined in the context of our wasm yet. The import object is defined in the second argument of instantiateStreaming() and instantiate().

Create an import object with an abort() function.

// js/loader.js
    constructor() {
       this._imports = {
            env: {
                abort() {
                    throw new Error('Abort called from wasm file');

Add the import object to both methods

// js/loader.js
   async wasm(path, imports = this._imports) {
        console.log(`fetching ${path}`);

        if (!WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) {
            return this.wasmFallback(path, imports);

        const { instance } = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch(path), imports);

        return instance?.exports;

    async wasmFallback(path, imports) {
        console.log('using fallback');
        const response = await fetch(path);
        const bytes = await response?.arrayBuffer();
        const { instance } = await WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, imports);

        return instance?.exports;

Loading the page now throws an exception. Remove the abort() call for now and rebuild the wasm code.

Defining imports

Working repo

AssemblyScript has several imports built into its loader (which we'll cover a bit later) so we didn't have to manually declare abort(). For other JavaScript functions imported into AssemblyScript we need to define them before they can be imported.

To define a custom import in AssemblyScript we declare it's function signature. Here we're defining a log function that will allow us to call console.log() from Web Assembly code.

// assembly/index.ts
declare function log(n: i32): void

export function minusOne(n: i32): i32 {
  return n - 1;

Add the function to the import object.

// js/loader.js
    constructor() {
       this._imports = {
            env: {
                abort() {
                    throw new Error('Abort called from wasm file');
            index: {
                log(n) {